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Frame Master

Learn shots and camera angles in this mini-game.

Tech for 5-year-olds

Blockchain explained through interactive animation and cute ducks


Cybersecurity and WEB development explained in creative comic storytelling

Randomize Learning R&D

Explore new fun facts, complete quests, and learn as you go.

Step-by-Step Guides

Concise instructions, perfect for ADHD learners and quick memory refreshes.

Engaging and Memorable Learning

Here, we SIMPLIFY complexity, beautifully pack valuable information and skills, and deliver FOR DIVERSE USERS.

VFX Demoreel

6 years of cutting-edge video production showcased in a one-minute highlight.

3D/2D Art Portfolio

Showcasing diverse styles and techniques, highlighting skills for multiple industries.

Visual Effects, 3D and 2D art

Here, we ENHANCE visual STORYTELLING with industry-standard tools and professional cinematic and video game TECHNIQUES.

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